Thursday, August 18, 2005

Minimum Rates For 5-star hotel rooms next year

The government announced that the minimum rate for a room in a 5-star hotel/resort will be fixed at USD 80.00 starting next year. This draws a lot of objections from hoteliers and the tourism induxtry.They fear this move will have a negative effect on Malaysia's tourism industry.Sabah will feel this effect particurly strong,bacause tourism plays a significant roll in Sabah's economy. Our tourism industry's selling point is to offer first class facility at second class fares.We will lose this competitive advange over the neighbouring countries with the new ruling imposed. Our neighbours can compete with us in prices but not in facility quality.Comparing apple to apple we are much cheaper. We hope the government will change their mind on this. Sabah Tea Adventures Race has successfully completed. Top places in all categories are won by local participants beating competitors from Italy,Germany,The UK,Australia,Phillipines,Indonesia.....Sybas! There will be an orchird exhibition this month,please be on the look out.

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