Thursday, November 24, 2011

RM250 for lighting up a stick of cigarette

Many passengers who are smokers learned a costly lesson when they arrived at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) and the Low Cost Terminal (T2) yesterday. After suppressing the urge to smoke when up on the plane they could not wait to light a cigarette just outside the main doors of air-conditioned lobby . Little did they know that 35 enforcement officers from Health Department were waiting for them.Moreover, the whole Airport building,including the Taxi pickup area is classified as NON-SMOKING zone!

The officers are divided into 6 groups, each armed with a camera. whenever they saw a person smoking in the pickup area, some bold ones even did it inside the lobby, they will quickly snap a photo of him doing the act and then confront him.The offender could not deny even if he quickly discarded the lighted cigarette, because the officers had the photo as proof.He would be handed a summon of RM250, and has to pay up within 2 weeks. If he was on a connection flight, he could settle the summon in regional offices in Tawau, Sandakan, Lahad Dato within 2 weeks. Anyone failing to pay the compound within the stipulated period will face a RM10K fine, a jail term or both.

If you really need to kill the urge to smoke, walk outside the covered area of the building, go under the palm trees and beyond the flower plants.Then you will be safely out side the non-smoking zone.
Happy travelling!

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